Xin Zhu

I am sixth year Ph.D. Candidate and Annenburg Fellow at University of Southern California, where I work at HaRVI lab advised by Prof. Heather Culbertson studying human-robot interaction, wearable device and haptics in social touch.

I received my Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science from Beijing Jiaotong University in 2017, where I was advised by Prof. Youfang Lin. My previous research experience includes Data Mining, Ditributed System when I was conducting research at BJTU INSIS Lab and now I am focusing on understanding human touch perception with wearable technology, integrating control algorithms with haptics and exploring multi-modality mediated social touch.

There is a chinese saying "十年树木,百年树人", which means "It takes ten years to grow a tree, but a hundred years to cultivate a person". Education has been a lifelong passion of mine and my family. Through education we cultivate the future leaders of our society. I have been mentoring 100+ students in the past 10 years, and the journey continues with the goal of providing educational resources to students in need, and to help them achieve their dreams. We shape the future through education.

My overarching career ambition is to integrating haptic and robotic technology seamlessly into every household., and I am deeply appreciative of everyone who has supported me on this journey. Go together, go far, please feel free to reach out to me if you have any idea.

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I'm interested in Social Touch, Human-Robot Interaction, Touch Perception Understanding, Haptic System Design. Representative papers are highlighted.

Exploring Electrotactile Stimulation as a Modality for Sensation Illusion on the Arm
Xin Zhu, Xinlei Yu, Xiaopan Zhang, Shruti , Pranavi, Heather Culbertson,
In Progress, 2023

Previous studies on electrotactile perception have developed models to explain the relationship between physical and electrical parameters and perceived sensation, but there is no consensus due to the different implementation of stimulation systems. We aim to gain a deeper understanding of electrotactile perception by examining the effects of feedback location and frequency on perception.

Teleoperate Touch
Xin Zhu, Nikhil Kanatala, Heather Culbertson,
In Progress, 2023

Previous studies on electrotactile perception have developed models to explain the relationship between physical and electrical parameters and perceived sensation, but there is no consensus due to the different implementation of stimulation systems. We aim to gain a deeper understanding of electrotactile perception by examining the effects of feedback location and frequency on perception.

Structural Abstraction of Wearable Haptic Devices
Xin Zhu, Heather Culbertson,
Work In Progress, 2023

We proposed a novel method to abstract the wearable haptic device into a structural model, further detail will be released soon.

A Novel Approach of tactile sensation generation using electric magnetic
Xin Zhu, Heather Culbertson,
Work In Progress, 2023

Novel method to create touch sensation, further detail will be released soon.

Affective Communication with novel haptic system design
Xin Zhu, Zhenghui Su, Heather Culbertson,
Paper Inpreparation, 2023

Novel Haptic system understands the human perception, further detail will be released soon.

Vocalization for Emotional Communication in Crossmodal Affective Display
Pranavi Jalapati, Selwa Sweidan, Xin Zhu, Heather Culbertson,
ACII, 2023

We explore affective context as a combination of user relationships (specifically the closeness between pairs of users) and user culture. We share the design and implementation of the crossmodal system that takes up to ten seconds of vocal expression (including humming or singing) from one user and transposes it into haptic signals to be displayed to twelve vibration actuators worn on the forearm of the second user.

Interactive Servo Matrix: A Novel Approach to Displaying Touch Gestures
Xin Zhu, Zhenghui Su, Heather Culbertson,
WHC Demo, 2023 Paper Inpreparation

The Interactive Servo Matrix (ISM) is a novel system designed to generate complex touch gestures using an adaptable matrix of servo motors.

Understanding the Effect of Speed on Human Emotion Perception in Mediated Social Touch Using Voice Coil Actuators
Xin Zhu, Tiantian Feng, Heather Culbertson,
Frontiers in Computer Science, 2022

Wearable System that can sense human touch and recreate the touch sensation, explored gesture mapping algorithm and speed effect on emotion perception.

Data-driven sparse skin stimulation can convey social touch information to humans
Mike Salvato, Sophia R. Williams, Cara M. Nunez, Xin Zhu, Ali Israr, Frances Lau, Keith Klumb, Freddy Abnousi, Allison M. Okamura, Heather Culbertson,
IEEE Transation of Haptics, 2022

Data-driven sparse skin stimulation can convey social touch information to human

Wearable System for Generating Mediated Social Touch through Force Mapping
Xin Zhu, Tiantian Feng, Heather Culbertson,
WHC Demo, 2021

Wearable System that can sense human touch and recreate the touch sensation using force mapping and Voice Coil actuators.

Elite Summer School Robotics and Entrepreneurship, SDU, Aug 2023
Demo, WHC 2023, Delft, the Netherlands, 2023
Demo, The International Society for Research on Emotion, USC, Los Angeles, 2022
Robotics Open House, USC, 2019 -2023
Peace4Kids, Los Angeles, 2021 -2023
Demo, Amazon MARS 2019
Demo, ANA Avatar XPRIZE 2022
朱鑫评Haptics (触觉科技)能够带来的产业改变: by Xin Zhu

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